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Customer Testimonials

Here at Adfix Ironmongery, we care about what our Customer’s Feedback. So we asked them, and this is what we heard: “Your stuff sells SO well” “Excellent quality products and service” “Lovely staff” “Excellent range of stock and quick delivery” “Out of all the people we use, your hinges are the best. It’s the detail … Continued

Adfix Supports Charities

The Founders and Directors of Adfix Ironmongery Ltd support good Christian values and Charities associated with health and wellness, humanitarian crisis’, education, other global issues that arise. Your valued custom helps contribute towards the worthy causes of the charities we support on a monthly ongoing basis. Thank you!

Weekly Eshots – Designed to Keep you Up to Date!

We have a fantastic offering of Products that are best sellers for Retail Gift Shops and Boutiques. Ask to be added to our Weekly EShot Service that keeps you abreast with New Designs and Products as well as Special Offers and Product Updates!

Why Adfix?

> Authentic, Vintage & Antique Hardware Products Made by Hand in the same wayas hundreds of years ago. > Family Business built up on years of experience since 1966. > Expansion into Bed Brackets in 1990, and again in 2009. > Moved into larger Premises in 2014 allowing us to expand our Stocks andimprove Logistics. … Continued

Seasonal Products for Christmas Gifts

There is still time to tap into the Christmas gift market! People love their houses – they are our castles after all. Gifts that will add personality and warmth to the home are very popular. Here are just some of the products we offer that will retail quickly as they are or can be made … Continued

We Will be Attending The Harrogate Woodworking Show!

We are pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting at the Harrogate Woodworking show from Friday 16th – Sunday 18th November. We will be displaying new products including items not seen at the Autumn Fair. Please visit our stand to discuss new products, innovations, suggestions and collect your free coffee and biscuits. We hope … Continued